Winter season is approaching and snow and ice can damage the skin and coat of your pet whenever you take them for a stroll. The winter season presents a challenge to your pet grooming routines. Snow damages the nails and paws making it tough for them to walk on these surfaces. Emancipet, known for affordable pet care Austin gives some recommendations to consider for effective pet care.
Pet Grooming Tips by Affordable Vet care Austin
Maintenance of paws and nails
Ice combined with salted sidewalks can be very irritating to paw pads. Moreover, these conditions frequently result in the development of sores or even skin cracking. As part of the grooming routine, clip the long hair on the bottom of the paws. Getting rid of this hair prevents accumulation of snow or ice on them.
According to experts at Austin pet clinic, you should ensure rinsing your pet’s feet with warm water to rid them of any ice and gravel after every walk. The toenails also tend to accumulate the ice and snow resulting in frost bites thus, they should be kept short. Austin pet services like Emancipet recommend getting your pet booties as a form of protection if the dog can manage to walk in them.
Regularly brushing the coat
Brushing your dog’s coat is essential because it reduces shedding and matting of their coat. When your dog grows more hair, mats are formed easily. Gradually, they develop close to the skin becoming infectious and painful to remove them. Affordable vet Austin says maintenance of the coat will insulate your pet ultimately keeping it warm during the cold weather.
Furthermore, when you brush your dog’s coat often, the natural oils in it are distributed evenly eliminating dryness associated with winter. Brushing averts cases of matting that may result in shaving your dog during winter.
Pet sweaters are a boon
Pet sweaters keep your pet warm. But they also result in the formation of mats. The pet sweater rubs on your dog’s coat frequently resulting in the formation of large mats. Therefore, it is advisable to brush your dog after taking off the sweater as a pet care precaution to avert matting. Cheap vets in Austin say pet grooming is important to get rid of mats every time you take them off the sweater.
Sweaters are important to keep your pet warm during the cold. Thus, the development of mats results in springtime shaving to get rid of the insistent mats. If a sweater is required indoors, then you must brush your pet’s coat on a daily basis. Learn from Emancipet and their team of affordable vets in Austin Tx that, grooming is important for cleanliness and maintenance for your pet’s coat.
Over to you!
It is important to establish an effective and detailed pet grooming routine to maintain good coat and skin for your pet. Emancipet is a renowned, Austin pet clinic, and has a team of qualified affordable vets in Austin TX, to answer your pet grooming queries.
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