Every pet owner has heard about the danger
of heartworm disease among pets and why it’s crucial to take preventive
measures. If you are a first-time pet owner, then try to take some time out to
learn about heartworms, how they affect the animal and study why the heartworm
medication is essential.
Your dog's health is as important as your
health. Heartworm infestation is widespread in dogs, and it is ideal to find spay and neuter clinic
nearby offering cheaper heartworm test cost for your dog. The cost of heartworm
test for dogs varies from clinic to clinic, and it is only wise to research and
explore well enough before picking a veterinary or spay and neuter clinic nearby.
What Are Heartworms?
Heartworms are one type of roundworm which
can be a foot long when they mature. Once they lodge in animal's body, they
grow, mate and produce offspring right inside your pet body. When diagnosed
thoroughly, they are found mostly in lungs, blood vessels and heart. As
heartworm infection can be lethal for your pet, it is essential to administer
instant heartworm
medication for dogs. The cost of heartworm medication may be expensive at
some clinics, but you can always visit or contact Emanicpet for affordable heartworm
treatment for dogs.
How Are Heartworms Transmitted?
One of the most common sources of
transmitting heartworms in animals is through mosquitoes. When the mosquito
bites a heartworm-infected animal, and then the same mosquito bites a healthy
animal, it can transmit baby worms in the healthy animal. These infective
larvae enter the bloodstream from the surface in 10 -14 days. Within six
months, the heartworm larvae mature into adult heartworm and start affecting
your pet's body.
Hence, it is crucial to administer
heartworm prevention for dogs regularly to make your pet immune to such
infections. Also, if you can diagnose heartworm infestation early-on, then you
can effectively treat your pet. The cost of heartworm test isn’t too high. At
your regular veterinary clinic or spay
and neuter mobile clinic, the vet may schedule such tests on a regular
basis during checkups.
How Do Heartworms Affect Dogs?
A pet owner won’t be able to detect
heartworm symptoms in dog on the starting days. With time, the number of worms
grows, and the dog will start coughing. As the time passes, the dog becomes
breathless and is unable to perform all the daily activities it did in the
past. If left untreated, your dog may die due to heartworm disease.
This disease can be expensive to treat.
Before the actual treatment begins, the veterinarian will advise getting blood
work and X-rays done to see the damage caused by heartworms. The cost of heartworm
medication for dogs is approximately $300, but with additional tests, the price
can go up to $1000. Hence, veterinarians advice dog owners to take preventive
measure before the disease strikes and opt for the regular heartworm tests
during checkups. The cost of heartworm test is almost negligible compared to the
health and longevity of your pet.
How Can Heartworms Be Prevented?
Heartworm infection can be prevented if
taken precautionary measures in time. To minimize the risk, get your pet tested
for heartworms once a year at an excellent veterinary office. You can also give
heartworm preventive medication every single month. Before, starting any
medication, bring your dog to vet first to know how much does a heartworm test
cost usually. The local vet may also prescribe some drugs to prevent
heartworm infestation.
The best way to fight any disease is by
gaining knowledge about the virus. By taking proper preventive measures, you
can save your dog from many dreadful disorders so that they can live a healthy
and happy life.