A deadly disease like Rabies is commonly associated with dogs but in recent years there is a dramatic rise in feline rabies cases. If you have a pet cat which tends to roam outside, it’s your duty to get your precious cat vaccinated with rabies vaccine for cats to form a protective shield against this deadly disease. In some counties, it is compulsory to vaccinate the cats.
Rabies is one of the deadliest diseases in the animal world and rabies vaccine for cats is your best bet to prevent your cat from getting infected with rabies virus. This ailment is caused due to viral infection and affects the nervous system of pet. In the United States, wild animals are most affected by rabies infection. Pet cats are at higher risk of getting affected by this viral disease as they tend to share territory with wild animals. A mere scratch or single bite from an infected animal can contaminate your pet can from rabies.
Importance of Rabies Vaccine for Cats
As we said, rabies-affected the nervous system of
animal’s body which makes them aggressive. Most of the rabies cases are found
in bats, skunks, raccoons, and foxes. The chance of contracting rabies from a
cat or any other animal is rare. Still, if your cat is infected with rabies,
you should contact the nearest veterinary clinic and seek immediate guidance.
Also, if you are bitten by a rabies-infected animal, get proper check-up
followed by vaccination for your own protection.
Visit spay and neuter clinic and
inquire about rabies vaccine and the right time to administer the vaccine. A
rabies vaccine will ensure that your cat is immune against rabies infection. It
is advisable to go for the rabies vaccine for cats prior to the infection
rather than treating rabies after infection.
Symptoms of a Rabies-infected Cat
your cat is injured with scratch or bite marks, it is likely that your beloved
pet is affected by rabies. A rabies-infected animal will behave completely
different. Cat generally tends to hide from the owner or any other being. They
also show nervousness and even become aggressive if someone tries to approach
them. This symptom is followed by weakness in the pet. Also, the animal won’t
be able to consume food and water.
difficulty of swallowing is common among rabies infected animals. The rabies
infection cannot be cured in animals and sometimes the veterinarian will advise
you to put down your pet. Hence, it is highly recommended to administer a
regular dose of rabies vaccine for cats as advised by the veterinarian.
you can diagnose the rabies infection in your cats by monitoring the behavioral
changes. You may notice drastic changes such as sudden aggression, lethargy,
restlessness, weakness, seizures, disorientation, anorexia, and paralysis.
It can be a
difficult situation but remember you would be doing a favor to the poor animal
that will be facing painful suffering death due to rabies in a matter of weeks.
Rabies is a viral infection that needs to be controlled even when you have to
take necessary action for your pets.
Over to you!
outdoor cats with rabies
vaccine in Austin, TX, and booster felines are the best way to prevent your
cats from getting infected. Find a reputed veterinarian with a licensed rabies
vaccine for cats to protect your favorite pet. For more information Visit: https://emancipet.org